We stand behind our product for a reason: We have tested it! Using the state of the art Jordan Rollover System (JRS) Dynamic testing method, our product stands apart from other ROPS fitments.

The Jordan Rollover System is operated by the non-profit; Center for Injury Research. It is a versatile, realistic, and repeatable rollover testing system capable of assessing vehicle structural design and performance. Due to the JRS testing ability to control various dynamic testing conditions we are able to put the HALO™ through a rigorous validation process and are confident it will significantly reduce vehicle roof intrusion in rollovers.
We first tested the production version of the vehicle allowing us to see the structural failure points and to address them accordingly.The first video shown is the outside view of the test of the production version of the 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee. As you can see the roof is very weak and provides little protection during the rollover. In fact, it crushes the “A” pillar 10.1 inches (277 cm) and had an intrusion speed of 9.94 mph (16kph).
The video above shows the interior view of the production version of the 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Notice that the roof crushes in and down on the driver occupant. This can result in serious to fatal head and neck injuries. The roof is very weak and provides little protection during the rollover. Take a look at the next videos to see how the HALO stopped this from happening.
Here we’ve outfitted the same model vehicle, a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee, with our HALO™ and tested it with the same rollover protocol. As you can see there is a major reduction in the amount of roof crush.
Looking inside during a rollover with the HALO™ outfitted, it’s hard to tell when it is actually contacting the ground. There is very little movement of the roof in any direction. The HALO™ distributes the forces across the roof and prevents buckling or failures in single specific locations.
Here we are able to easily compare the results of a rollover test with a HALO™ outfitted (top) and without the HALO™ (bottom). You can see that the roof deformation in the production vehicle is significant over the driver’s position and that there is little deformation with the HALO™.

After the JRS Test we concluded that the vehicles B-pillars (the pillar between the front and rear door) needed reinforcement. The reason for this is that when the vehicle rolls over onto its roof, the weight of the vehicle is transferred to the roof structure, the pillars that are connected to the roof connect to the rest of the chassis, if these pillars are not strong enough the roof will continue to crush into the occupant compartment.
Displaying the results graphically you can see the amount of roof crush into the occupant compartment. The results of the production vehicle compared to a HALO™ outfitted vehicle are shown below. The red line represents the Far side A Pillar intrusion and the blue line represents the loading of the roof.
Both lines are flattened out with the HALO™. Additionally, the HALO™ equipped vehicle was tested at a more severe protocol and still out performed the production vehicle.