Mr. Donald Friedman is one of the co-founders of SEI.
Mr. Friedman was in auto safety for over 45 years and made significant contributions to the auto safety industry before passing away in 2015. Among his accomplishments is the heat guidance system on the SideWinder Missile, his work on the Lunar Rover and the Minicars Research Safety Vehicle. He was instrumental in the early work on airbags, including testifying before the U.S Congress in the 1970’s to make airbags mandatory. Mr. Friedman was considered to be the leading expert in the United States on rollovers and roof crush during that last 20 years of his life.

Raphael Grzebieta, PhD, seated in a rolled SUV that met the US roof crush design rule with a narrow margin, demonstrating a typical level of roof crush experienced in a rollover often leading to ejection of seatbelted occupants.

Donald Friedman, Co-founder of SEI in Goleta, CA. sits in one of his test vehicles in front of his business. The 1977 Saab 99 he is sitting in was used in a roof strength test. (Photo by Stephen Osman).
Dr. Raphael Grzebieta, Co-Founder, holds the Chair in Road Safety at the NSW Injury Risk Management Research Center at the University of NSW. Grzebieta is also the immediate Past President of the Australasian College of Road Safety. He has over 26 years of research and practical experience in crash worthiness and road safety. Research teams he has led and been involved with have carried out crash tests and numerous computer modelling and theoretical studies investigating and mitigating injuries in rollover accidents. In 2004, Grzebieta was awarded the 2003 Warren Medal by the Institution of Engineers in Australia.
Ms. Bozzini has over twenty-five years in business management and marketing experience ranging from retail, to service, to product promotion, and product development. Ms. Bozzini developed all contractual relationships to procure, promote, and sell the various manufactured products and services. Ms. Bozzini has studied the emerging needs and opportunities in the automotive retrofit markets for the last fifteen years and which gives unique insight into the industries and companies that use these products. Ms. Bozzini is also one of the developers of the HALO concept.

Susie Bozzini - President of SEI
Our global team is filled with amazing people who excel in their positions around the world.
Ms. Friedman, our Global Sales Director has been in sales and operations for many years and can tackle any project.
Mr. Valdez runs our Mexico subsidiary company, ISV, where he runs his bilingual team, makes HALO's, coordinates all the biggest projects and makes it look easy! Mr. Zamora our HALO Installations Supervisor for Mexico runs his teams with care and attention to detail, making sure that every HALO install is perfect.

Georgette Friedman - Global Sales Director - USA
Javier Valadez - General Manager ISV - Mexico and LATAM

Alejandro Cantu - Sales Supervisor - Mexico and LATAM

Eduardo Zamora - Certified Installation Trainer Supervisor - Mexico and LATAM

Edith Montoya - Certified Installer - Mexico

Pedro Nava - Certified Installer - Mexico